Tag Archives: Music

Out of Our Minds

Two days ago me and P. went to see Melissa auf der Maur, not only on stage, but also on screen. Before the gig we got a showing of her movie “Out of Our Minds”. (Actually we could watch it twice, Melissa was so kind to show it again for the people who missed the first minutes). She made the 28-minute film in 2009 together with director Tony Stone. It’s a strange little film, that doesn’t have a clear storyline. That’s not a bad thing, actually I thought about the film many times afterwards. I’m not going to tell a lot about it, go try to watch it sometime (or watch the trailer below…).


ooomfilm.com / xmadmx.com

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Filed under Art, Movies, Music

Here comes the sun!

For a really long time, actually as long as i can remember, i hear the Beatles. My dad is a huge fan, from the beginning on. And when i was born i grew up listening to the Beatles and Elvis. And even though i like some Elvis songs, i always felt way more for the Beatles music. I started listening as my mom and dad always have a golden oldies radio station playing on their radio. My dad used to and still plays in a band that covers loads of Beatles songs as well. As a few years ago (6 to be correct) one of the Beatles sir Paul McCartney (aka Macca) came to do a show in Holland, i asked my dad if we could go. He was like: No, I’ve seen him plenty of times. Then at his birthday his brother gave him the DVD of that show (In Red Square)  .When he was watching it he regret not going and still does! So we told eachother: when Paul is coming to Holland again, we HAVE to go! So last thursday i found out by reading the paper that Paul is coming. Oh my God, i was so excited! And since my littl brother (14 yrs old) is totally into playing Beatles the Rockband on his Xbox 360, my dad decided to surprise him with a ticket. As sir Paul plays almost or maybe even more then half of his show Beatles songs he has written or cowritten. So yesterday was the morning that the tickets went for sale. Such an annoying system, and ofcourse it ran slow, who doesnt wanna see sir. Paul McCartney live! But suddenly like the best 4 tickets showed up in my screen! (we wanted to get seated tickets, as the venue he is playing is pretty big, and we cant go early so will end up on the back of the field standing) We looked at the venue plan before and we were like: would be pretty awesome if we could get tickets in that area. And we did!! I was sooo thrilled! I didint know how fast i had to pay, cause i wanted to tickets to stay! I got the whole payment and buying finished at 10:09 am, and at 10:16 all good seating area tickets were GONE! Now only some field tickets are left for sale! The tickets are pretty expensive, 90 euro pp, but i’m sure it will be more then worth it! And to celebrate this with all of you, some good old Beatles pictures!




Filed under Music

Exclusive interview: Sophia Burn, Bassist for The Veils

British/New Zealand band The Veils are one of my favorite acts. I’ve seen them live quite a few times, and after the shows met with the band several times.

They are all very kind and last time I asked if I could interview the only female in the band, bassplayer Sophia Burn. Dutch music magazine OOR named her not only the prettiest female bassplayer that music has to offer nowadays, but also one of the best bassplaying ladies! And she is also one of the nicest persons. She kindly obliged to answer some of our questions!

Do you get to do a lot of shopping when you’re on tour?

I for the amount of time I’m on tour the answer is no – often we get into cities after everything closes and leave before it opens. But I always try. Some cities that I’ve been to a few times I have shops I always try to go to, and that makes it easier – otherwise you can spend hours looking for the good places to go.

What’s your favorite item of clothing and how did you get to own it?

I think my favourite thing is this black velvet cape I have. I got it at a secondhand place in Portland, USA, which is amazing for shopping. Everything is ridiculously cheap, I think the cape cost me twenty dollars and it’s gorgeous, I wear it all winter – it’s been torn and sewn up twice now and keeps on being great. I have a lot of favourite clothes though, I’m a wear something until it falls apart person.

What are your favorite places to shop in London?

I hate shopping in London, and mostly don’t. It’s expensive and busy – secondhand stuff is stupidly overpriced and everything else is mostly gross. I do love Liberty, as a shop, I think it’s perfect, if I had more money I’d be there a lot. I also do occasionally like a skip down Old Bond Street, to look in Alexander McQueen and imagine if I were an oligarch.

How would you describe your individual style?

As I get older I realize more and more that getting dressed is an every day battle not to let my emo side take total control – much like my life.

Who are your style icons?

I don’t know about icons, but Cate Blanchett has lovely taste I think. I saw Laurie Anderson give a talk and she was wearing one of the best outfits I ever saw, it was just a flannel shirt, grey jeans and workboots, but something about it I just loved, maybe more cos I loved her. I like women who wear men’s clothes well – not in a prissy or self conscious way. Patti Smith does a good job. I like people who dress for their work, and people who wear uniforms, like Joseph Beuys.

What’s your favorite music video?

Right now, Shakira, She Wolf. I could watch that thing all day.

Is your on-stage style influenced by other female musicians from the past?

I don’t know. Probably very much so, but not consciously. I find myself feeling a bit of a kinship with the Kim Gordons and Melissa Auf Der Maurs, lately, where they were dressing in a reasonably feminine way but not being especially feminine in the way they were on stage. I like that. My stage clothes go in cycles – one thing will stick, I’ll wear it every show until it smells too bad to wear and then something will replace it.

What was the first concert you went to?

I went to a free Alanis Morisette concert, because everyone was wagging school and going. But the first one I actually went to for the music was this festival in New Zealand. Hole played, and Courtney Love got her tits out. Marilyn Manson also played – it was a pretty naked evening, in terms of performance.

What three records have been the most significant to you?

The Smashing Pumpkins – Melon Collie.
This was the first album I got and listened to over and over. My struggles with emo dressing are Billy Corgan’s fault I think. I still know most of the words.

Sparklehorse – Good Morning Spider
I bought this at random after I read an interview with Mark Linkous and something about him really appealed to me. Given that at the time most of my taste in music was kind of bullshit, I’m kind of surprised that I loved it so much – it was the first experience I had of liking a band that wasn’t just something all my friends liked, and I think it was more special to me for that.

Radiohead – OK Computer
I think Radiohead did something really lovely to a generation, where they made these records but also wanted people to know about music in general – they were always very open about influences and things to check out, and so you listened to other music as a result – when I started listening to Radiohead was when I think I started having an interest in listening to a lot of music, instead of just what happened to be around, on TV or the radio or whatever.

What song always cheers you up?

The Staple Singers – (If You’re Ready) Come Go With Me

What new band(s) should we check out?

Micachu and the Shapes, the xx, and the Mint Chicks.

Do you dress differently on- and offstage?

No, not at all. Though as I mentioned, my stage clothes after a while smell too bad for me to wear them anywhere but on a stage.

Do your bandmembers have a certain style of dressing, and how would you describe it?

I never think of us as a clothes band, but then we are all vain as hell and it probably does show.

Finn’s style always reminds me of if a Texas cowboy were crossed with an Edwardian dandy – he buys things in good fabrics that are well made, but he’s never too busy with it, they’re always functional.

Dan is even more uniform oriented than me. He wears the same tshirt on travel days every time, it’s a Neil Young one. For a man who doesn’t give a damn, I think he does well.

Raife has a totally luxe side that I think he tries to keep in check, that comes out in embroidered detail on shirts and the occasional cravat.

I’d like to mention Henning, cos he’s the one with the most ‘individual’ style, even though he’s not around anymore – we used to tease him about his clothes so much, because he has this penchant for mad shit, like a velvet tophat or a pair of red patent loafers, which on his size 13 feet make quite a statement, With Henning it felt like we were battling against what we saw as a tide of ridiculousness, but then it was also very lovable, and it made him happy.

Is it hard to be the only female in a band full of men?

Not at all.

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Filed under Music, Photography, Style icons, Styling

Dutch Beat Girl: Mariska Veres

Sometimes living in the Netherlands can give me a sort of complex. Yes, the Dutch are know for tulips, windmills and drugs, but definitely not for fashion icons and/or music. But then I remembered that one of the best bands from the sixties, and the coolest girl from the sixties are actually Dutch! I’m talking about Shocking Blue, the Dutch beat group from The Hague and their lead singer Mariska Veres. The band started in 1967, in 1968 Mariska joined them, in 1969 they recorded Venus, and scored a number one hit in the US. The band split up in 1975. Unfortunately Mariska died in 2006 because of cancer.

Their music and Mariska’s unique voice still sounds great after more than 40 (!) years. Mariska is to me in the same league as style icons like Nancy Sinatra and Marianne Faithfull. Some great pictures of her and the band are added to this post. If you want to know how to get great hair like her, there is a simple solution: wear a wig like she did (she was always very open about that). She hated being seen as a sex symbol and was never the standard bad girl of rock:  she never smoked and she did not like alcohol (favorite drink: tea).










View Mariska in action (wearing a beautiful coat) in the video for Mighty Joe (we all know Venus, but they had so many great songs, I wanted to show something different). Just don’t pay any attention to the weird ostrich in the first 15 seconds of the video.

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Filed under Music, Style icons

Disque d’Année: Primary Colours by The Horrors

Wow, I’m writing French…….;-)

My favorite album of 2009 is Primary Colours by The Horrors. I know the year isn’t over yet, but the album is so incredible fucking fantastic. I’m surprised that I like it so much, because I wasn’t impressed by their first album. My thoughts before listening to Primary Colours: an overhyped band, they spent more time on their looks than their music and any link with Peaches Geldof is, too put it mildly, not really a pro. My thoughts afterwards: WTF??? Huh? Is this the same band? horrors

A friend of mine, who used to be a music journalist, once said that he didn’t like listening to new rock bands in general, because they all imitate bands from the past.  Altough I understand his point of view, I don’t agree with him. Yes, Primary Colours is very 80’s new wave/shoegazey, but in my opinion this record is even better than records from that period. And that is really special.

Check out their (first?) single from their new album: Sea within a Sea.

More info on www.thehorrors.co.uk and www.myspace.com/thehorrors.

Live dates: 02/11/09 Melkweg Amsterdam, 03/11/09 Doornroosje Nijmegen, 04/11/09 Tivoli Utrecht.

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